
Welcome to the new web presence for the Ohio Chapter of Research under the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Ohio. We will use this site as another way to communicate with our members and assist with their search for more light in Masonry.

The next Stated meeting of the chapter has been set for Saturday July 20, 2024, 2:00 PM at the Tiffin Masonic Complex, 179 South Washington Street, Tiffin, OH 44883. See the meeting link for more details.

Plans are underway for a joint meeting of the Ohio Chapter of Research, Ohio Lodge of Research, Ohio Council of Research, the Thomas Smith Webb Chapter of Research of New York, the Western New York Lodge of Research and perhaps the Kentucky Lodge of Research. The meeting will be held Friday and Saturday, September 12 and 13, 2024 at the Canton Masonic Temple. There will be a dinner on Friday evening followed by an evening of paper presentations. Continental breakfast will be available on Saturday morning followed by more paper presentations, concluding around noon. Ladies will be welcome. We are working on a program for the ladies that will include a visit to the First Ladies National Historic Site which is across the street from the host hotel which is also just a few blocks from the Canton Temple. Paper proposals should be sent to Secretary/Treasurer Ryan Adams.